Wednesday, May 12, 2010

How to Pay Down the Debt

How do we pay down the public debt? "Economic growth, duh." is the conclusion of columnist James Pethokoukis. That's easier said than done and requires an ideal public and private economic environment. But his Weekly Standard article makes some valid points on why other solutions wouldn't work.

Put Transit Tax on the Ballot in Tampa!

Here is a St. Pete Times editorial that logically and reasonably states why the one cent transit tax should be placed on the ballot this fall:

Tomorrow night (5/13) at 6:00 PM, there is a Hillsborough County Commission public hearing at the All Peoples Life Center at 6105 E. Sligh Ave. in Tampa. Please show up to voice your support for this ballot measure and the need for transit alternatives in Tampa.

For more information, check out:


GOP Convention 2012

Sources say the GOP is likely to hold their 2012 convention in Tampa, which is one of the three finalists being considered. Whether you are a Republican or not, this is welcome news for the local economy and national image of Tampa Bay.