Friday, March 5, 2010

There Are Alternatives...

We're all aware that the partisan circus in Washington is never-ending. Democrats constantly accuse the Republicans of standing in the way of their legislation without producing any alternatives; they are "The Party of No." That is true about certain conservative leaders and pundits, but the facts have been overlooked. Several Republican leaders have produced alternative legislation for everything from health care to environmental policy.

Rep. Paul Ryan (R - Wisconsin) drafted "A Roadmap for America's Future" back in January, but it has received little attention until the last few weeks. It is a fairly comprehensive plan aimed at reducing the deficit and controlling government spending, a rebuttal to the deficit-engorging Democratic bills currently working their way through Congress. Unfortunately, I don't have the time to analyze the Roadmap piece by piece, but I will give you the link so you can look it over for yourself. While it is most likely an imperfect plan (just like all other legislation), the Congressional Budget Office has checked the numbers and verified that it would actually do what it claims to do. That is a Washington miracle. Whether or not you agree with the hefty spending reductions and Reaganistic tax cuts is up to you. But you should know that there are alternatives...

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