Wednesday, June 9, 2010

My Man Mitch: Daniels 2012

If you're like myself, or millions of other disillusioned Americans, you are painfully counting down the days, like Tom Hanks in the movie Castaway, until we have the opportunity to vote for a new president in 2012. In fact, I think we're all chomping at the bit to vote for anybody new, anytime soon.

That being said, a lot of speculation and straw polling is going on about who the GOP's presidential nominee will be. Several people have been lining themselves up early to take a stab at it: Tim Pawlenty, Mitt Romney, John Thune, Sarah Palin, Haley Barbour, etc. One name that has been tossed around (and which I've paid particular attention to) is Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels. While he has not taken many visible steps to set himself up for a run, I'm going to go out on an early limb: Mitch Daniels is the right man for the job.

Indiana has gone from having a state budget deficit to a budget surplus, created jobs, and expanded capital investment in the midst of a major economic downturn. Although Daniels has the TV-friendly charisma of a bologna sandwich, he has a lifetime of achievements in the public and private sectors. This guy is the anti-Obama, and it's not just for show.

Common Since: Where can we find someone capable of setting straight Washington's gluttonous taxing-and-spending-rollercoaster-of-doom? How about a plain ol' Midwestern governor who has actually already accomplished exactly what needs to be done. My Man Mitch. Let's draft him.

This Weekly Standard profile of Daniels is a MUST READ.

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