Thursday, October 8, 2009

This Just In...

According to Politico, the ethics investigation into Charlie Rangel's (D - NY) many failures to disclose his personal income has been expanded. I was trying to find time to write about this yesterday when the House Democrats killed a resolution to remove him from the chairmanship of the House Ways and Means Committee. But now, it seems like the ethics committee may have some even juicier news, so my delay is now appropriate. So far, "the ethics panel also disclosed Thursday that it has issued nearly 150 subpoenas as part of its yearlong Rangel investigation, interviewed 34 witnesses and combed through thousands of pages of documents related to the New York Democrat’s personal finances. The vote to widen the already sprawling investigation was unanimous." This seems to me to be a clear indication that Rangel will be found guilty by the ethics committee of tax evasion. Don't forget this is the man who is in charge of the House committee that oversees the IRS, and he has been hiding perhaps $2.5 million in assets.

More to come as this develops...

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